Grant funding

National grants

There are a number of grants available from Headquarters that can support the cost of scouting. Examples include the cost of development, camps (where the young person or their family meets specified criteria), minibus/activity training and air activities. See for more info.

Swindon and District Handicapped Scouts Trust

The Swindon and District Handicapped Scouts Trust was set up by the bequest of a sum of £43,000, dated 15 November 1989, by Miss Dorothy E Sprittles to be spent for the benefit of scouts with special needs in Swindon and district.

The present trustees are:
Delcia Appleby (treasurer)
Ian Appleby
Fred Bassett
Mark Cooper (chair)
Chris Pope (secretary)

The process for considering payments of grants is that applications will be sent, in writing, to the secretary. The application will include full details, costings and funds already raised for the project. The trustees will meet on a quarterly basis (October, January, April and July) when they will consider applications and also receive a report on the condition of the Trusts funds.

The normal grant will be for a maximum of 50% of the special needs element (matched funding). Projects must have provable special needs implications, with special needs interpreted using the Scouts factsheet FS250054.